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Spring Cleaning is a concept that many can relate too.  You've been trapped in the house all winter with no fresh air, rugs need beaten, trash needs to go to the dump, dusting and cleaning from top to bottom always seems to make people feel better.  This concept works for your spiritual well being as well.  Even if you're an Atheist and a skeptic you know the difference between clean and dirty.  

When doing paranormal investigation you will find yourself in all manner of situtations that can leave you feeling heavy, weighed down, confused or just plain dirty.  Before you head home it's advised that you cleanse yourself, meaning ridding yourself of anything that may have latched onto you.  That can mean something very literal like road scum, dirt, dust to other things of a more sinister in nature such as negative spirits, revenant's, poltergiest, etc.  

I recommend that whatever your belief systems or lack there of, you find something that works for you.  If that means you roll around in the mudd and yell 'boom shakalaka ramalama ding dong be gone' by all means go for it.  You will know if you feel out of sorts and hopefully so will those around you.  Personally, I wear a symbol that represents my faith.  Smudging myself with the smoke of burning sage helps me feel cleansed, it grounds me.  As I work with psychic energies I would hope that I can tell when something has attached itself to me or tries and can take steps to give it a note worthy shove off and back to where you belong.  It's not always a gaurentee though.  

When you go hunting, make sure you have one anothers back.  Make sure others know where you're going, especially if it's a dangerous location, and when you will be back.  If you are a person of faith, wear things that make you feel closer to whatever Gods you pray to.  When you're done cleanse yourself and one another of anything and everything before you go home.  If something follows you home, it's much harder to get rid of. Again for skeptics, just keep in mind that after a soak in a hot tub, a massage, a shower and a clean pair of clothes you will feel much "cleaner" after.



I've found some excellent sites as well that can help you with ideas.





Spiritual Health

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